Tag Archives: sour apple schnapps

The Countdown is Over!

Tomorrow Daniel and I leave for Durham!  I’m so giddy that I didn’t even care about losing in poker during Game Night at the comic store tonight.  And I don’t mean I just lost, I mean I was consistently out of chips.  Over and over again.  It was sad, really.

We have a bit of packing left to do, but we are definitely ready to leave.  We’ve packed the Sour Apple Schnapps and the bathing suits.  That’s all you need for a week at the beach, right?

It actually looks like she's blowing this bubble from her mouth.

Thursday Shopping

Thursday is the day we always go shopping for groceries.  Typically, Daniel comes home Thursday afternoon, we make a list, and then drive to the Pittsford Wegmans.  Today was a little different.  I told Daniel I would meet him on campus, and then we could go shopping in Henrietta.  So I rode the bus to campus and Daniel left work a little early, at 3pm.  We drove to Henrietta, but instead of going straight to Wegmans, we stopped at the mall.  On Saturday, Park Ave Fest begins.  All of Daniel’s friends at the comic store are dressing up like their favorite heroes.  Daniel didn’t want to be left out, so we had to pick up a costume for him.  I won’t spoil it.  There will be pictures of him in costume this weekend at the festival, but I highly recommend seeing it for yourself if you can make it over here.  It will be worth it.

After he found his costume, we did go to Wegmans to pick up supplies for dinner tomorrow night.  As I’ve mentioned, my sister Kelly and her boyfriend Dillon are visiting this weekend.  For tomorrow’s dinner, we decided on stuffed shells with spinach and sausage.  My stomach is growling just thinking about it.

Lastly, we had to stop at Marketview Liquor.  I picked up some Sour Apple Schnapps for when we go to the beach.  I also picked up a bottle of wine for myself for Saturday.  It’s going to be a great festival.

I hope to see some familiar faces, but I know it will be crowded.  Try to stop by the comic store and visit Daniel!

Another random image from Bald Head. Can you tell I'm excited?